sugarcane juice

Sugarcane juice is an excellent source of energy and the most amazing thing about this juice is that naturally sweet. Modern science has believed that there are numerous health benefits of drinking it daily. Nowadays people often consume soft drinks or energy drinks when they feel tired or dehydrated but what they don’t know is that soft drinks contains huge amount of refined sugar which is very addictive, not at all good for the body and it makes you more dehydrated due to it’s sodium content. People who drink energy drink don’t know that they are unknowingly getting addicted to it and the energy provided  by those drinks is temporary because of it’s sugar and caffeine content. There was a study done in 2013 where 15 cyclists were given sugarcane juice instead of the normal energy drink they used to consume and you will be shocked to hear that this enhanced there exercise performance and also improved there rehydration because sugarcane juice contains 70%-75% water, 10%-15% fiber and 13%-15% natural sugar which keeps the body hydrated and provides instant energy.


Sugarcane juice is like a medicine for liver. Burning sensation in hands or feet, bad odour from sweat, and heat exhaustion are signs that your liver needs help. When somebody suffers from jaundice even doctors recommend them drink this juice because liver is the detox organ of our body and sugarcane juice improves the functioning of it. If you are suffering from any problems related to your liver drinking just 1 glass of this juice daily for 2-3 months can cure it because it helps in normalizing bilirubin levels in body and it is also prescribed for fatty liver problems to reduce SGOT and SGPT.


This juice contains Vitamin B9 and Folic acid which is why it is considered as a great fertility booster by the modern science. If you are willing to improve your sperm count or sperm quality and if you want to cure your STI’s and UTI’s then this is one of the best drinks for you. It even helps to prevent from prostate cancer, it helps to improve fertility not only in men but also for women, it helps in the problem of brown discharge and also controls over bleeding during periods in women.


This juice helps in cooling down inner heat of the body. This juice is so effective that if you try drinking one glass of it daily in summers you will never face problems like sunburn and sunstroke. Like other soft drinks it does not contain any kind of carbonated water which prevents from bloating or acidity and the soft drinks after drinking produces heat from our body which results in disturbed PH levels in the stomach. If you develop a habit of drinking this juice daily it will cool your body from inside which will result in curing problems like acne, skin rashes and pigmentation.


This juice contains high amounts of potassium which clears urinary tract that is why it is also called natural diuretic, is also very beneficial for kidneys, cures UTI’s infections. If you experience pain while urinating, cramps in groin area and blood in urine area a glass of sugarcane juice daily will be of great help. It also breaks down kidney stones.


If are suffering from problem of bad breath then you should definitely drink sugarcane because it directly effects on liver and all breathing problem starts from gut that is why it is considered for curing breathing problems and because it is high in magnesium and calcium, it is also good for stronger teeth, gums and bones. If you are suffering from joint pains, teeth cavity or bleeding gums, pale tongue or you suffer from ulcers in mouth then this juice can be very effective for you.


If you are facing any kind of digestive issue like your bowl movement is not good then you should try drinking this juice daily for some days because sugarcane juice is natural laxative which is why it cures problems like constipation, acidity, stomach ulcers, gastritis, acidic burp,  and chest burn.


Always drink fresh sugarcane juice. A fresh sugarcane juice will always be of yellowish green color is it is kept for more than 10 mins then its color starts to turn dark green which you shouldn’t drink.

The right time to drink this juice is empty stomach because if we drink it just after consuming any kind of food then we won’t get it’s benefits so you should either drink it 1 hour before breakfast or 2 hours after lunch and should be avoided after sunsets because sugarcane juice is heavy and is hard to digest at night.

As sugarcane juice is heavy so you should drink only one glass of it per day and also remember to drink it sip by sip for maximum benefits.

diabetic patients should limit the consumption of this juice.




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